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Hand2Note is an innovative software for collecting, analysis and display of statistics on the table for professional poker players. It provides ample opportunities to play, ideally combining ease of use with high operating speed and very flexible settings.

Hand2Note has a number of unique features, which other trackers do not have, and will also delight novice players, after all, using its basic features is now completely free, regardless of the limits you play.

Promo code H2N10YQPS
дает 10% discount on the first purchase of a subscription! (Clear cache and cookies in your browser before, than follow the product link).




Hand2Note – это инновационный софт, designed by professional poker players. It combines power and ease of use with a well-designed interface., design and extensive experience of program developers.

Dynamic HUD является одной из наиболее важных особенностей Hand2Note. It allows you to display only up-to-date statistics for each player at the table, depending on the situation in the current hand and predefined conditions.. Conditions are divided into two types:

  • Known before the start of the hand - the positions of the players, sizes of stacks and blinds, effective stack size, number of players at the table, number of hands per player, color mark on the player (reg или fish) other.
  • Information-based, received during the distribution - street, board, player actions and others.

Available subscription plans:

BASE (is free)


  • Static HUD.
  • Reports.
  • Sessions.
  • Creating stats.
  • No limit restrictions.
  • Regular updates
  • 24/7 online chat support.

Not included:

  • Positional and dynamic HUDs (available in EDGE and PRO).
  • Extended pop-up for stat (EDGE, PRO).
  • Range Research (EDGE, PRO).
  • Decision Analysis (EDGE, PRO).
  • Asian rooms (ASIA, PRO).


Includes all BASE features, and:

  • Positional and dynamic HUDs.
  • EV analysis of actions.
  • Advanced statistics.
  • Range Research.

Does not include support for Asian rooms. For, to use Hand2Note in Chinese applications, you need to purchase an ASIA or PRO subscription.


Support for Chinese apps:

  • PokerMaster.
  • PokerKing.
  • RedDragon.
  • PokerClans.
  • PP/KK Poker.
  • RealPoker.
  • PokerCommunity.
  • Bingo.
  • All-in Poker.
  • UPoker.

Does not include positional and dynamic HUDs.


Includes all features of ASIA and EDGE subscriptions, as well as Auto HUD (experimental function), which automatically shows the statistics you need right during the game.

Charts, sessions and reports для кэша и турниров – это стандартные инструменты анализа результатов игры. Filters in Hand2Note reports allow you to create unique reports, relevant for professional players, such, for example, like "Winrate on tables without fish", "Winrate on the tables, where Hero is in position for the fish "and others.

Convenient and fast tools for analyzing opponents. Подробные интерактивные pop-ups for each stat – к каждому стату привязан попап с расширенной статистикой: description of the stat, the following actions of the player and opponents, bet sizes, turned, vsHero, postflop chart, distribution list.

Preflop charts отображают одновременно диапазоны колла и рейза. This allows you to get a more accurate idea of ​​how, how players mix their preflop ranges. All this, coupled with high response speed, make Hand2Note a convenient tool for analyzing opponents' play..

High performance: скорость импорта рук из базы – 1500-3000 hands per second. High response speed - instant popup opening, charts, withdrawal of hands and notes. Relatively small size of the base - the main place is occupied by the hand history itself. Statistics, built on 1 a million hands, takes only 200-300 MB.

Powerful and intuitive HUD editor, popups and filters позволяет легко создавать необходимые статы, complex popups, customize statistics filters depending on the actions of the players, their positions, board strength, the size of the bet, pocket cards and hundreds of other parameters.

Professional note recording system. Возможность вставлять раздачи в нотсы за пару кликов или перетаскиванием. Template creation available. Writing notes to separate stats.

Range Research (only available with EDGE and PRO subscriptions) - a tool for exploring the pool of players. It is designed to learn the ranges of different types of players in those situations., in which you usually do not have enough sample for opponents. Range Research is one of the most valuable Hand2Note tools, which can greatly improve your game.

And many other useful features:

  • Action Profit (only available with EDGE and PRO subscriptions) - indicator for each stat, which outputs the plus side of the corresponding action and the variance.
  • Visual representation of hands. Уникальное короткое представление раздач используется при просмотре последних раздач с шоудауном во время игры, hand records in the player's note, when viewing hands with showdown to a certain stat and other situations.
  • Hand replayer. Открывается практически мгновенно и автоматически проигрывает раздачу при наведении курсора на кнопку реплеера.
  • Automatic vsHero stats. Hand2Note автоматически рассчитывает значение «vsHero» на каждый стат, no longer need to create them separately.
  • Complex elements in popups. Попапы не только для статов – префлоп-диаграммы, note, distributions and even nested tabs inside popups.
  • Unwatched hands indicator with showdown. Позволяет следить за всеми важными раздачами на игрока и не пропустить ни одной актуальной раздачи.
  • Spot Exclusion Reg vs Fish. Все игроки в Hand2Note разделены на Reg и Fish. The program excludes hands from the total sample, where reg played against the chip. This division is due to, that regs play against other regs often differently, than against fish, therefore, such distributions can distort the real values ​​of the stats. On the other side, fish play the same against everyone.
  • List of hands by hovering over any stat. При наведении на стат, postflop cell or preflop chart, corresponding distributions are displayed.

30-daily free trial period is activated automatically after the first launch of Hand2Note. Separate trial for 14 дней для азиатских румов активируется также автоматически после первого запуска любого из поддерживаемых приложений. Триал предоставляет полный функционал за исключением Range Research.

Promo code H2N10YQPS
дает 10% discount on the first purchase of a subscription! (Clear cache and cookies in your browser before, than follow the product link).

The program requires .Net Framework to be installed. 4.6 or higher.

Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 7 and higher.

Additional information

1 month

EDGE – $29 ASIA – $39 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $59

2 months

EDGE – $59 ASIA – $79 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $119

3 months

EDGE – $89 ASIA – $119 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $179

4 months

EDGE – $119 ASIA – $159 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $239

5 months

EDGE – $149 ASIA – $199 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $299

6 months

EDGE – $179 ASIA – $239 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $359

7 months

EDGE – $209 ASIA – $279 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $419

8 months

EDGE – $239 ASIA – $319 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $479

9 months

EDGE – $269 ASIA – $359 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $539

10 months

EDGE – $299 ASIA – $399 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $599

11 months

EDGE – $328 ASIA – $438 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $658

12 months

EDGE – $238 ASIA – $358 PRO (ASIA + EDGE) – $588




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