The biggest prize money in the history of online poker
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Online poker became popular in the late 1990s, and since then the prize pools of the tournaments have grown steadily. IN 2003 Freddie Augustus won the first World Series of Poker tournament (WSOP) in the Internet, receiving a prize of $2,500,000. Since then, WSOP Online prize pools have grown to over $10,000,000 in some of the latest tournaments.
Another major online poker tournament, which offers big prize money, This is PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA). IN 2004 year, the PCA winner received a prize of $1,000,000. IN 2012 year, the PCA prize pool grew to more than $5,000,000.
Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of high roller tournaments on the Internet.. These tournaments offer very large prize pools, but they also require large buy-ins. IN 2014 году Фил Айви выиграл турнир $1,000,000 Super High Roller Bowl на PokerStars, receiving a prize of $10,000,000.
Призовой фонд турнира $1,000,000 Super High Roller Bowl на PokerStars является самым большим призовым фондом в истории онлайн-покера. Однако ожидается, that in the future there will be even larger tournaments with even larger prize pools.
How did the size of the prize money change?
Online poker prize money has risen steadily over time. This is due to several factors, including:
- The rise of online poker
- Increasing number of online poker players
- Increasing the buy-in size in online poker
- Development of technology in online poker
Online poker prize money will continue to increase in the future. This is due to, that online poker is becoming more popular and more and more players are taking part in online tournaments. Besides, developers of online poker rooms are constantly improving their technologies, allowing them to offer larger prize pools.