

  1. General concepts.

1.1. Investing and training successful players (next – Beking) carried out for the purpose of mutual interests between RealAsiaPoker funds on the site RealAsiaPoker.com, acting as a backer (further – Website) and the player, taker Beking (further – Player).

1.2. The interest of the Site is to receive a share of the Player’s profit by winning back a pre-agreed distance at a certain limit (further – Package).

1.3. The Player's interest lies in receiving additional investments to his bankroll (further – BR), as well as the opportunity to attend training on the Site.

1.4. Backing is provided to the Player after checking his honesty and competence.

  1. Requirements for Players to provide/receive Backing.

2.1. The player must undergo an interview on the Site in order to determine his competence.

2.2. To be able to receive Backing, The player is obliged to provide all necessary information about himself: E-mail, profiles on social networks and nicknames in poker rooms, scan the passport, as well as information about the success of your game in the form of screenshots from tracking programs over the past 2-3 months.

  1. Organization of cooperation.

3.1. The site reviews the Player’s data and makes a decision on cooperation.

3.2. The site creates a training diary for the Player.

3.3. The Player must familiarize himself with the terms of cooperation between the Site and the Player (further – Terms and Conditions) and confirm them.

3.4. After receiving Becking, The player confirms its receipt in the diary.

3.5. In the diary, the Player must display reports on the training sessions he attended., completed homework and, at your own discretion, can share his successes and achievements with the ability to post graphs, interesting facts, notes, etc..

3.6. All actions related to the Package are displayed in the diary.

3.7. By mutual agreement of the Site and the Player, the Package can be extended or closed and a new one opened in the manner described above.

  1. Formation of the Package.

4.1. Stakes.

4.1.1. Backing is provided for limits (NL): _____________.

4.1.2. The Player’s transition to limits within the Package is agreed upon with the Site.

4.2. Choosing a poker room.

4.2.1. The site provides Backing in the following poker rooms: __________.

4.2.2. Registration in the poker room must be agreed with the Site.

4.2.3. Questions regarding changing or adding a poker room are resolved individually.

4.3. Package Distance.

4.3.1. Package Distance: __________ (hands/tournaments), or until then, until the Player wins back (will not repay) minus per Package.

4.3.2. The pace of play throughout the Package is at least: __________ hands/tournaments per month.

  1. Formation of the BR.

5.1. BR is formed from ___ buy-ins (further – BI), of which ___ BI (___% BR) from the Site and ___ BI (___% BR) from the Player's side.

5.2. In order to minimize risks, The site and the Player transfer to the poker room account, selected within the Package, tranches, specified in paragraph 5.1. to the agreed limit. In case of successful start, secondly, there is no need for second tranches.

  1. Profit distribution.

6.1. Upon completion of the Package, the funds withdrawn (further – Profit), including bonuses, considering the additional costs, are divided between the Site and the Player in the stated (agreed upon) shares: ___% – to the Site and ___% – to the Player.

6.2. Upon early termination of the Profit Package, including bonuses and promotions from the poker room, considering the additional costs, is divided between the Site and the Player in the stated (agreed upon) shares: ___% to the Site and ___% to the Player.

6.3. Additional costs for the Package, if available, are necessarily agreed upon by the Site and the Player.

  1. Education.

7.1. The site provides the Player with the opportunity to attend training sessions.

7.2. Registration for training is carried out through the training system on the Website.

  1. Package restrictions.

8.1. As part of the Package, the Player is prohibited from playing in poker rooms, which are not included in the Package.
8.2. As part of the Package, the Player is prohibited from playing from anything other than a personal computer. (laptop), except in cases, when permitted by the coach on an individual basis.

8.3. While wagering the Package, the Player is prohibited from playing any disciplines, as well as limits, not covered by the Terms.
8.3.1. If the Player, while wagering the Package, climbed to a higher limit and won, then all funds won are considered as such, that belong to the Foundation.
8.3.2. If the Player, while wagering the Package, climbed to a higher limit and lost, then the player is obliged to compensate the Fund from personal funds for all lost funds.

8.4. The player is prohibited from playing in a suboptimal state - under the influence of alcohol., psychotropic, narcotic substances, and also on tilt.

8.5. Maximum number of simultaneously played tables: ____ regular or ____ fast.

8.6. If the Player loses more than ____ BI in one session, The player undertakes to end the current gaming session and take a break from the game, at least three hours, before the next gaming session.

8.7. At the first request of the Site, the Player undertakes to provide the necessary information: statistics on game nicknames, Poker room lobby scans, as well as transfer histories of payment systems, used for depositing and withdrawing funds in the process of wagering the Package.

  1. Violation of poker room rules.

9.1. The player undertakes not to violate the rules of poker rooms.

9.2. All financial losses of the Site, arising due to violations by the Player of the rules of poker rooms, The Player undertakes to compensate the Site unilaterally.

  1. Early termination of cooperation.

10.1. The site has the right to terminate cooperation early, and if the Player fails to comply with the Terms, submit the player to arbitration.

10.2. The player has the right to terminate cooperation with the Site early, if the Site has no claims against the Player.

10.3. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the Site and the Player incur financial losses in the declared shares, including bonuses, considering the additional costs, without mutual claims.

  1. Reporting form.

11.1. After each gaming session, the player must fill out reports in the fund system. Lack of reporting more 10 days without warning falls under arbitration.

11.2. The reporting form can be changed or a new one added.

  1. Disputes and disagreements.

12.1. All possible disputes and disagreements between the Site and the Player are resolved in a working manner, taking into account the interests of the parties.

12.2. If the dispute cannot be resolved in a working manner, it is transferred to local arbitration on the Site with the involvement of Site Administrators.

12.3. If the dispute cannot be resolved in local arbitration on the Site, then it is transferred to public arbitration.


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